Dominion Studios is a development group that builds anything from games to websites and software! We have already developed some great software and amazing websites.
Our Story So Far...
Dominion Studios was founded in 2011 by Jacob Brookhouse (INSTINCT).
Ever since 2011 we have been brainstorming ideas and what our company was going to be about.
Dominion Studios was founded on the principle of not only hard work, but self taught developers. We believe in a development group of self taught individuals that wanted to learn about technology and how to develop it.
We have stood firm on these ideas and believe that great work comes from people that want to try to learn. Dominion Studios will always be a development group that is driven by self taught and talented individuals from the community for the community.
Currently our vision of what we are has not come into existence....
We are still here though developing and creating amazing projects like websites and software for you, the community!
Our Focus
Our current focus is keeping our two main programs (Raven Security - Red Apple) up-to-date as much as possible
We plan on developing a game soon! We did start a project within the Unity 5 engine but it has been canceled until further notice.
Our Future
Dominion Studios is currently not planing anything big at the moment, but we have alot of great ideas for game development and software development.
We don't want to release to much now but yes we want to create a game at some point, along with some other great projects!
Your Future!
Does any of this sound interesting and you believe you can lend a hand somehow?
Please fill out this form if you feel like you can help us in some way. This is a form for applying at Dominion Studios as a volunteer!